15 August 2016

Management Lessons by 7 Questions

Management is a subject which has to be dealt with  answering seven questions. Why , what, when , where, who, whom and how.  Because every individual, every event, every institution, everyone, every location………. vary. One solution may not be enough for even the same problem in different locations / individuals / companies / situations/…….

Thus we have to do research for each situation for solving each problem, which obviously is difficult.  Many a times it is impossible also. Then the simple question comes in front of us ! How to solve a problem ? The answer is  to evaluate    such incidents or events , if , occurred anywhere. Take the messages from that and  solve the problem. Major tools for  the extrapolation or intrapolation in order to solve the problems can be derived from others’ experiences / guidance /messages/  truth and facts about the situations, events,  and so on.

The easiest method is just to remember a story  which gives a similar situation and solution for the problem arising under similar situations. Do addition, deletion, modification and correction and then adopt it to our problems  which need solution.

The puraanas 18 + 18  from our heritage literature are not histories (they may have  a bit history but not fully histories) , in fact, gives such a fine examples connected with bad people which they call asuraas and  rakshasaas, good people the good  kings and Rushies, People having many types of negatives and many types of positives in the mind. Just analyse for a few second / minute how they faced the situation when similar incidents took place. We will get some idea, which is the need for any solution of  problem. Ideas for solving the problems ! or ideas for thinking about a solution !

People having ego, anger, jealousy and so on,  on the one side and on the other  people having love, affection, devotion, sincerity and so on. Now analyse what, when, why, where, who, whom and how  each event (part of it also) happened and what was the conclusion.

Adopt the same or modified methods in our life too. Here comes the pathway for the solution from the puraanas. These books add a bit devotion, dedication and sincerity also i each story  to increase seriousness in the reading and learning them.

So take each story, analyse all the aspects and take the message for solving our problems, in our home or organisations.

Source: www.iish.org

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